A truly legendary experience
Echoes of Angmar offers a true vanilla experience with all content up to and including Volume I, Book 11 faithfully recreated. This means original zones and quest chains, complete (pre-split) instances, and yes, even the old trait system. You use the original client to connect to our server. No cash shop, no quest helper, original difficulty. We hope you still remember how to get around the Old Forest without a map!
The server is currently open and undergoing a phased release. You can log in to see what phase is currently active. The planned release phases are as follows:
PvMP with creep character creation will open alongside Phase 2 or Phase 3.
You will need the original 2007 EU (Codemasters) client patched to Book 11. We don't provide the client but it can be found around the Internet, for example here.
We only support the English language client. You can select a different language during installation if you wish, but we don't suggest it. As an example, searching for auctions by name can only be done in English.
During installation, you must select the "Custom" installation option and install the client into a custom folder (such as D:\Games\Echoes of Angmar) to avoid issues with Windows UAC. Make sure to also select the high resolution texture pack when prompted!
The launcher installer can be downloaded here:
Run the downloaded MSI installer. If Windows complains, select More Info and/or Run Anyway.
If your anti-virus software blocks the installation, there's nothing we can do. You will have to decide for
yourself whether you trust us or not. You can install the launcher into the default location (under Program Files)
or select a custom location.
Once the installation completes, the launcher can be found in your Start menu like any other application.
Visit the account creation portal below to sign up. You will need a game key to be able to create an account.
Run Echoes of Angmar Launcher from the Start menu. If there's an update available for the launcher, it will ask you to download it. Simply click the OK button to perform the update.
The launcher will need to know where you installed the Book 11 client. It will try to find it automatically but if it can't do that, it will prompt you to navigate to the client folder. This is the folder you picked during the SoA install process, for example D:\Games\The Lord of the Rings Online.
Enter your login credentials when prompted. If the server is online, you can now hit Play! If the server is full, you will be placed into a queue. Keep in mind that closing the launcher while queued up will cost you your spot!
Our goal is to create a positive game environment and foster a healthy community. We will take action against any conduct that we consider disruptive to that vision, regardless of whether it is explicitly mentioned in these rules or not.
Please understand that breaking server rules will generally result in a permanent account ban and thus loss of access to all characters on that account. If in doubt, don't do it!
We won't tolerate any sort of harassment, abuse or griefing.
Foul language, toxicity, spam and off-topic conversation of any kind are not permitted in public chat channels. This applies to /say, all zone channels (Regional, OOC, Advice, ...) and global channels (world, glff, ...) that are publicly advertised. Private tells (whispers) follow the same rules if the recipient reports them. We will not police fellowship or kinship chat, nor any private global channels.
Only English is allowed in the game's public channels (as defined above). For communication in other languages, please create a user channel. Bi-lingual advertisement of such channels using regular global channels is allowed; same applies for non-English speaking kinships.
Character and kinship names that are offensive or that make overt real-world references (especially political or otherwise controversial) are prohibited. Please note that use of special characters to bypass the game's foul language filter will be considered a violation, as will using non-English slurs in your names.
If you discover an exploit (meaning any action that provides an in-game advantage outside of normal rules), please report it. Taking advantage of such exploits will of course result in a ban for everyone involved.
This includes but is not limited to: item and currency multiplication, invulnerability, effect stacking, item consumption (e.g. using potions without spending them, crafting without ingredients, etc.), bypassing encounter mechanics and exploiting bugs in monster or pet AI in order to gain an unfair advantage.
Cheating is likewise strictly prohibited. This includes any sort of speed or wall hacks, client memory manipulation, packet alteration, modifying client data in a way that affects gameplay, etc.
After previous experience from our open beta, we have decided to ban multiboxing on Echoes of Angmar completely. It is not allowed to run multiple clients from the same machine, in PvE or PvP. Accounts that share IP because of NAT or a similar networking setup will be closely monitored.
Any other form of automation is also prohibited. Botting and AFK play in particular will result in a ban not only for the account that engaged in it but also for any characters that were traded any items collected by the bot (through direct trade or otherwise).
The use of keystroke macros is generally not allowed, especially where it leads to input spam and increased load on the server.
After some consideration, and upon observing its effect on other "classic" servers, we have decided to ban GDKP runs on Echoes of Angmar, without exception. While we understand that this can be seen as an overreach, we believe that there is now ample evidence of this practice being detrimental to the general server health and as such we will not be allowing it. Any accounts found in breach of this rule will be suspended.
It should come as no surprise that any form of RMT is strictly prohibited.
"What is Echoes of Angmar? Is it true SoA?"
EoA is a faithful recreation of the game as it was back in 2007. It uses the original client, meaning the graphics, landscapes, instances etc. are all exactly as they used to be back in the day. Server-side information that is not directly present in the client had to be recreated from references. Where these are lacking we had to make some guesses so the experience isn't 100% the same - but it's as close as it gets.
"Is this a #nochanges project or are you making adjustments to content, balance, etc.?"
We try to keep everything as close to the original as possible. We will not be making any changes beyond bug fixes, unless there's a technical reason to do so. This may change in the future as we start looking at our long-term plans for the server but for now the project is strictly #nochanges.
"Why Book 11 specifically?"
We are limited by what client patches are publicly available on the Internet. Book 11 is the latest available patch that has all the important content (Annúminas and The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu in particular) but that still predates many of the later landscape nerfs and changes (such as the Angmar revamp, Old Forest map, etc.)
"Will you ever release any of the later SoA patches?"
It is unlikely that we'll ever see any updates past Book 11 because the amount of work required is simply too large for the current size of the development team. That being said, upgrade to Book 14 is techically possible.
"Will we ever see Moria, Mirkwood, etc?"
Unlikely. We have no plans for any versions of the game beyond SoA.
"Is this a progressive server? What will be available at launch?"
Yes, content will be released progressively. However, the base game is still Book 11 so all tuning, itemization etc. will be as of that version of the game.
The server will release with PvE content roughly equivalent to the original Book 8 (aka SoA launch content). Some zones that were not available at SoA release may be closed off (Evendim, High Pass, Tâl Bruinen, ...) and open later with their respective Book patches.
Additional content will be released over time, more or less as it did back in the day:
The housing system, monster play (PvMP) and session play will release When It's Ready™. There will be a separate Beta for PvMP before its full release.
"Will there be festivals?"
We will try to make festivals available at a later date. We don't have any concrete plans as to when, though.
"Are UI skins supported?"
Yes, the Book 11 client does support UI skins. However, modern skins are not handled well and slow down the load times of the client, sometimes dramatically. For that reason, the EoA client will look for its skins in a different folder, to allow players to have different skins for EoA and retail clients. The EoA specific folder is Documents/The Lord of the Rings Online/ui/eoaskins. Skins placed in the default folder (ui/skins) will not be found.
"Is the server source code available? Can I run my own server?"
No. We will not be releasing the server source code.
"How can I create an Echoes account?"
Open account creation will not be coming back after our experiences from the previous Beta. We are still working on the specifics, but in general we want to have much more control over who we let into the server. We will share more details with you as the launch of the server approaches.
"I have forgotten my password, help!"
Just head over to the account page and re-enter your game key and account name, then select a new password. Make sure to enter your account name exactly as before (it is case-sensitive), otherwise the password reset process won't work!
"Can I join your team?"
We are now accepting additional contributors! If you are an experienced C# and/or C++ developer who can self-manage and is able to navigate complex codebases, get in touch with us. Please note that, due to the nature of the project, we can only consider developers who are able to dedicate a considerable amount of time, on a regular basis.
"How can I contact you?"
The dev team doesn't maintain any public contact channels. However, we are in touch with some prominent members of our community so important information always reaches us.
"Why all this secrecy?"
Our privacy is our prerogative.
We don't maintain any official community channels beyond this website. However, there are communities forming around our server on Discord and Reddit. Search for "Echoes of Angmar" on discord.me or go to /r/EchoesofAngmar!